Santoori's Customer review about Iranian Daf no.1s
I am very happy with the daf I received from Pooyan
Nassehpoor’s communication and advice was first-rate, and he
dispatched my order very quickly.
Sarah, freelance percussionist, UK |
Customer review about Iranian Daf no.2
Dear Pooyan,
Thank you for the dafs you sent me. I've been playing them daily
since they arrived.
The tightness of the skin daf you sent me is exceptional and I
thank you
for selecting such a good one for me! I have been enjoying
playing with both of them.
Thank you again and may the coming year bring you bounty and
Shayan, Virginia / United States |
Customer review about Iranian Daf no.7
Hello Pooyan,
Many Greetings, I have some good news the drums have arrived
from Germany today. I have to say I am the happiest man in
London at this moment; the drums are really fantastic I am very
very pleased with them as you promised they are of very good
Thank you so much for everything, it has been very good doing
business with you.
I would like to say also that the tone of the Khorshidsavar is
wonderful, good rich and mellow bass with a good tak which
balances the sound of the drum well, and the rings are not to
sharp. It's light in weight and very responsive to the fingers. |
The skin daf is also very good and thank you for taking time to
choose one that suits the very humid conditions in England. The
skin is nice and tight and has good all round sound.
Both drums are a pleasure
to play and to own.
On Monday I have a Frame Drum Festival, I will do all I can to
promote your drums in our Sufi Daf workshop, I am sure many
people will like these drums.
I hope to you have a good weekend, and hope to buy another drum
from you in the future.
Thank you so much Pooyan
Best wishes
Lennie, London, UK |
Santoori's Customer review about Iranian Daf no.7
Dear Pooyan,
Yesterday my lovely drum arrived in my home. I am absolutely
rapt with it and love it very much. Thank you soooooooooooo much
for all your help and attention to detail. My drum arrived in
perfect condition and I can't wait to learn to play it. Of
course, I have been practicing the darbuka but this is something
entirely different so will have to work hard to learn how to
play it.
Thank you again and I will be happy to recommend you to anyone.
Australia |
Santoori's Customer review about Iranian Daf no.1s
Dear Parham,
I wanted to let you know that the Daf arrived today and it is
absolutely beautiful. This instrument was a present for my son
who is a percussionist and since it arrived he has been
practicing for many hours with one of the books and dvds that
you sent. This Daf will be very well loved and will see much
Many, many thanks!
Daniel K., USA |
Santoori's Customer review about
Iranian Daf no.5
Hello Pooyan,
yes it arrived today,a wonderful surprise! i wasn't expecting it
so soon.
I'm very happy with the drum! Great sound and lightweight -just
what i wanted!Good quality case too.
Many thanks for the great service!
and now i shall get on with the joyful learning!
best wishes
UK |
Customer review about Iranian Daf no.3
Khorshidsavar Daf Review
If like me you have a passion to play percussion instruments, namely the
Daf and you live in part of the world which is prone to humidity then
you will understand the problems which one encounters during the Spring
and Summer... the skin of your Daf becomes a receptacle for humidity.
You simply can not play it and you end up putting the Daf into
hibernation until the humid conditions dry away... very frustrating
I had thought about buying a synthetic Daf for a long time but always
refrained from doing so principally because I did not like the idea of
playing a "fake" Daf... playing something which has been made from
synthetic material opposed to playing something which has been made from
natural skin. I have always liked the idea that playing a natural skin
percussion instrument is like bringing the animate out of the inanimate!
Anyhow, due to my frustration of not been able to play my Daf during
humid conditions I decided to take a closer look at the abundant
selection of synthetic Dafs offered by
I had one in mind but I was unsure so I thought the best thing to do was
to ask Pooyan for some advice. He kindly sent me an Mp3 of two different
synthetic Dafs... my choice and Pooyan's choice! To be honest after
hearing the Mp3 I did not know which one to choose, so I simply said to
Pooyan, "Ok I'll take your choice, if you think this one is better, I
trust your decision".
One week later... the Khorshidsavar Daf arrived, as usual it was
perfectly packed! I have to say that initially it felt a bit strange
playing a "synthetic" Daf but after a couple of days the strangeness
disappeared! Naturally one can clearly hear the difference between a
natural skin Daf and a synthetic skin Daf... a natural skin Daf is
"crème de la crème". Anyhow the synthetic Daf is very pleasing and I
have to say its the best one can get to a natural skin Daf. The
Khorshidsavar Daf has a excellent rounded bass sound (Doum stroke) and a
rich tone sound (Ta stroke) which comes very close to the sound of a
Natural skin Daf. If you would like to play a Daf all year round without
having to worry about humidity then may I suggest a synthetic Daf...
namely Khorshidsavar! It is a more than good choice... just ask Pooyan,
he will guide you and I don't think that you'll be disappointed!
On the whole, I'm very pleased and satisfied with the Daf... and once
again with the impeccable service provided by Pooyan @
Pooyan's knowledge, advice, and suggestions have been invaluable to say
the least.
Thank you very much indeed
Khoda Hafez
Jamil |