Welcome to Santoori Musical Instruments photo gallery. Here you can view a selection of high quality professional musical instruments that were made available by Santoori.com during the past few years. Since its establishment Santoori.com has maintained the fact that every musical instrument for sale has been meticulously examined by both the maker and Santoori.com. We are also very proud to have provided a professional service to both our potential customers and regular customers too.

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Santoori Persian/Iranian Goblet Drums
Tombak, Tonbak or Zarb




Persian Goblet Drum Tombak, Tonbak or Zarb  Iranian Goblet Drum Tombak, Tonbak or Zarb by Hemmati  Persian Zarb, Tombak, Tonbak made of mulberry wood  Persian Tombak, Zarb, Tonbak made of walnut wood by Hemmati  Persian Tombak (Zarb or Tonbak) made of walnut wood by Shirani

Persian Shirani Tombak (Zarb or Tonbak) made of walnut wood

Santoori Persian/Iranian Frame Drums
Daf, Dayere, etc ...




Kurdish frame Drum Daf