Instructional and tutorial books, CDs and DVDs for Persian hammered dulcimer Santoor

In this page you will find all tutorial materials like books, Cds, DVDs for Persian Santoor.

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Instructional book and CD for Persian Santoor by Faramaz Payvar

 Instructional beginner book for Persian Santoor


Santoor instructional book by Great master Faramarz Payvar | this book takes you on a guided tour of learning santoor through basic techniques. A nice material how you can get started by playing Persian santoor.


price: $10

Shipping rates for books are 3.45 Euro meets $5. Please Kindly pay the total amount to our PayPal account.

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Autodidactic Instructional Book for Persian Santoor by Hosseyn Saba

 Autodidactic Instructional Book for Persian Santoor by Hosseyn Saba


An autodidactic instructional book by late Santoor master Hosseny Saba | this book gives you a foretaste of Ostad Saba and Habib Sama'i santoor playing style. A nice material how you can get started by as well elementary techniques as many rythmical compositions like chaharmezran, reng etc.


Edited by: Mrs. Arfa Atrayi

price: $10

Shipping rates for books are 3.45 Euro meets $5. Please Kindly pay the total amount to our PayPal account.



Habib Samai Radif (Partial Edition) for Persian Santoor

 Habib Samai's radif (Partial Edition) for Persian Santoor by Tali'eh Kamran


The conservation of Habib Samai radif heritage is the efforts of master Tali'eh Kamran during stuying the radif by Habib Sama'i and his loyal student Morteza Abdol-Rassuli. This efforts have been transcribed and notated by 1955.


Edited by: Mrs. Tali'eh Kamran, Shahab Mena

price: $17

Shipping rates for books are 3.45 Euro meets $5. Please Kindly pay the total amount to our PayPal account.